Wednesday, 17 October 2012

New Week, New Direction

This (3rd -4th ) Week
well it's decided, for now I'm looking at my project: to sense my space through visual texture. So, what does that mean well... it means the artists I'll be paying particular attention to are Christian Bolt, Cornelia Parker, Alice Maher and many, many more!

It seems as though visual texture is the medium that appeals to me most, judging by the research I did. That research involves the artist stated above. I know that is still broad but plenty of time yet! :)
My aim is to capture a how both texture and visual aspects of a space can trigger an emotional response.
Or alternatively how I can manipulate these aspects to get a deliberate response. I love installations, particularly light installations! I love how the lighting, a small aspect can make a space seem so characteristic and expressive. That transition from a small thing to a big thing, reminds be of  thought process/formation. A thought being born and becoming an action...

One Particular event I keep coming back to is Vivid Sydney Light Festival 2012... the piece that caught my attention was Underwater by David Clare. It is a projection on water giving an eerie, dream-like quality. check it out (apologies for the poor quality)

one particular that inspires in many visual textural ways, goes by the name: thisiscolossal click the link: Artists I admire on the site are=

*Carolina Fontoura Alzaga who works with old bicycles parts to make chandeliers! Amazing! The unique choice of medium would give any given space a character.

*David A. Reeves who stages these dramatic, silhouette scenes using cut-out paper! Paper suddenly tells you a story, I love his simplistic choice of medium and his dull lighting. The result is tha of a movie still!

*Anna Shirron
I really like how simple this piece is! There are so many ways this idea could be taken.
It can be purely for art, or be made into something with an aesthetic function in interior design... the list is endless.

*The glowing firefly squid of Toyama, Japan 

 I know this technically is art as such, BUT look at it! Nature can be all about visual texture.
I think this image can be a great source of inspiration.

Other Visual Artist worth checking out are:

Tuesday, 16 October 2012

Installation, Installation, Installation!

The Installation Investigation

More installations this time...
  I've found more on various blogs ie:
  • This is colossal (
  • My own pinterest account (Shauna Callanan boards: It's an Art Thing really & Exploration of Space (3D & Literal)
  • My own Tumblr Account: Sophiasilke32
I have found LOADS! 
So here are some of the critically selected...

Caitlind R.C Brown
CLOUD, An Interactive Cloud made from 6,000 light bulbs, genius.

Bartek Elsner

Cardboard Sculpture
Ah yes, cardboard that wonderfully humble material...

Su Blackwell (Set Designer, artist, Art Director)
Su predominantly works with Paper... I'm actually not sure what this piece is made from. She has worked with the rose theatre, London.
I might comeback to this artist again, as I've struggled to find set designers...

Bruce Munro
translucent silos constructed from bottles.

New week, New conept

New week, New concept
week two

this week I'm just looking at installations...

why installations???
pacman light installation
Well, because they are just downright awesome...
Just kidding there's a bit more to it and than that! The best artist I can think of to explain installations is Martin Boyce, winner of the 2011 Turner Prize. His piece 'Do Words Have Voices' is about memories, he explains that memories are composed of random objects we see everyday that stay in our minds.

The layout is disjointed, yet still visually makes a lot of sense.
 Below I am listing a few more installations that remind of my definition of my space.

Rick Wittrig

Lee Eunyeol

Justin La Doux


These are just a few however! I could go on! Haha can't wait till next blog! aufwiedersehen!