Tuesday, 25 September 2012

I have just started here at LSAD! yay :D
I am loving every minute of it <3
But that being said it's still alooot of work! Drawing a couple of stick men doesn't quite cut it as 'research'.. just thought I'd give others the heads-up on that one :]
Our Projct Tile is {drum-rolll} To Sense My Space.
Yep, I agree it's a toughie. I first took my create from a literal sense in week one. I had planned to create a space by making an installation to represent my mindspace. Therefore I could give people a chance to interact with the work & give them an understanding of what its like to be in my 'mindspace'.
the researsh I gathered that led to this concept, derived from the womb, brain and installations based on the same idea.
 Here are the names of some artist I looked up and liked:
  1. Donald Judd
  2. Dan Flavin
  3. Hussein Chalayan
  4. William Kentridge
  5. Jennifer Rubell
  6. Christian Bolt
  7. Richard Cerra
  8. Freya Sewell
  9. Banksy
  10. Blublu

So far so good, but I think the installation is a bit too deep and literal. So by the end of this weeek I'll take my same concept in a different direction.

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