So I'm doing my Animation elective. Exciting stuff and I had no problem finding amazing contextual material!
All my contextual research (video) is on my Pinterest Page, on the board Animation Fixation at:
I particularly love nearly any form of Stop-Motion! I have an interest in claymation and I'd love to one day develope 3D/CGI skills. But since there's only 2 weeks I had little time to waste.
I decided to use a Cartoon Style inspired by the design of the Cartoon by OneyNG on Youtube by Chris O'Neill & Sean Kiely called:Leo and Satan (Pinterest.)
They use heavy lines and rich, block colours. (basic shadows)
I was going to draw out my sets and characters. But it wasn't as Stark as I was hoping it would look. Instead i used my own pictures and simply drew over them in photoshop. That gave it the 'look' I was aiming for.
Next I put the whole lot into flash. It was my first time using a program like this ever before. I wont lie it was treacherous at first, but when I got it there was no stopping me.
The line I had chosen from my brief was: "I told you so" the idea behind it is simple. Its around a typical mum, son and home. Like any other little boy and his mum, she tells him not to do something he goes ahead and does it anyway.
I broke it up to centre the story around 3 scenes/sets kitchen, trampoline and bedroom.
I only needed 3 characters: Mum, son and friend.
I'll let you see the narrative for yourself!
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